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Technologies for Production in Times of Corona Restrictions: Part 2

Translated by Jessica Dolan

As described in Part 1, in recent weeks I have held a variety of discussions with SMEs from the manufacturing industry and questioned them about their most pressing production challenges during the Corona pandemic.

At this point, I would like to present three further technology examples that I have come across thanks to the technology monitoring at ROKIN. The technologies support production employees in their daily work in times of Corona. In many businesses, teams are currently being downsized or are working in shifts. As a result, the workforce no longer works together in the previous constellation or the employees with the skills relevant at that moment are not always the ones on site. Nevertheless, or precisely because of this, resources must be used efficiently - and the following technologies can help here.

TechBite1: Self-organized shift planning à la Doodle

Short-term staff shortages require a flexible response. Software tools, such as KapaflexCy, Vote2Work or shyftplan, help you to design the shift schedule flexibly and with the direct involvement of the employees carrying out the work.

TechBite2: Improve quality and efficiency with digital work instructions

In times of staff shortages, it is not always guaranteed that the respective specialists are on site, and necessary production changes often require additional knowledge of the production processes. In such cases, digital work instructions, such as those offered by Cioplenu or Picomto, can help employees to familiarise themselves quickly and flexibly with new production steps or refresh their knowledge.

TechBite3: Multiple machine operation via SmartWatch

Keep the same amount of machines under control despite a reduced crew? SmartWatches, such as those from aucobo or Workerbase, serve as an interface for machinery. The machines notify the employees about upcoming acknowledgements, bottlenecks or occurring errors so that they can be on site where they are needed.

Excited about these and other technologies and seeking inspiration for innovation in your own company? Our AI algorithms continuously search the rising flood of information for the latest technologies - especially for the needs of industry. In our TechSheets you will not only find technology examples on a specific topic in the context of Industry 4.0, but also manufacturer information, studies and much more.


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